Under Chrome key add new DWORD with name NativeWindowOcclusionEnabled and value 0. if there are keys (folders) missing, just create a new key. There are a few things you can do with rasterization through Chrome flags, but one of the best is zero-copy rasterization, where writers raster streams straight to your GPU memory (or VRAM), which can work faster than using your regular RAM (particularly if you have 4GB or less RAM on your PC). Navigate to HKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWAREPoliciesGoogleChrome. Zero-Copy Rasterization (Desktop/Android) Chrome Flags are experimental features that Google is currently testing on either ChromeOS or the Chrome browser, although some Flags are exclusive to ChromeOS, while others work on. Helpful hint: do you find it hard to concentrate on your work when the fun of the Web is pulling you in? Learn how to block websites on Chrome. This can make browsing faster if your CPU isn’t particularly powerful or, conversely, if your GPU is very powerful. It can be used with any collegiate emblem to show your support for the. Here you will be presented with two options: Android web contents dark mode and Android. The Dad chrome emblem can be used alone or as a great addition to any other emblem. Hit the Search flags box and enter the word dark. It does this by organizing each page into “Tiles,” at which point it effectively paints in the information in each one to add up to the whole you see in front of you.Įnabling the “GPU rasterization” flag gets your GPU to always do the above process instead of your CPU (or processor). Navigate to chrome://flags in the Chrome address bar.

Rasterization is the process Chrome uses to organize website data into the pixels and tangible information you end up seeing on the screen in front of you. For some of the new APIs we introduce in Chromium, you need to set a browser flag for experimentation.